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Can a person have a separate account book?

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Can a person have a separate account book?


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  • 2024-06-12 12:00:47

    Can a person have a separate account book? sure. According to the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Household Registration, the following conditions shall be met for individual households: 1. I am an adult and financially independent. 2. There is no household division between husband and wife, between minor children and parents. 3. Do not live in the same place as the head of household, but have a separate house and a clear address of door, household and card. 4. The certificate of the township, village and group agreeing to separate households. China's household registration system can be traced back to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period more than 2000 years ago. At that time, the population became the most important resource for all countries to fight. Taxes, husband service and soldiers are all based on population. After human beings entered the information age, the scope of people's free activities has become more extensive and their interactions have become more frequent. The basic information of household population provided by household registration management has increasingly become an indispensable information foundation for people's production and life, social service management, and national administration and justice. Household registration management has become the most important public information management system in modern society, Its restrictive and even repressive functions will completely fade, while its coordination and service functions will continue to strengthen. Development data: data required for household separation: if household separation is really required, the following materials shall be provided: 1. Level 3 certificate of rural group's consent to household separation, which shall be stamped with the official seal and signed with the name of the operator. 2. Apply in my name and provide the application form signed by me. 3. My house property right certificate (rural house building approval form or house property certificate). 4. Go to the civil affairs department to apply for a clear address of the house.


    2024-06-12 12:00:47

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