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Divorce property division in Turkey

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Divorce property division in Turkey


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  • 2024-06-23 07:00:55

    When divorce property is divided, what should be divided is the common property of both your husband and wife. The so-called common property refers to all the legal income of the two people in your marriage. The term "within marriage" refers to the period from the date when both parties receive the marriage registration certificate to the date when they go through the divorce procedures, during which all the legitimate income of both parties can be classified as the joint property of husband and wife for division. In principle, the division of divorce property should be to collect all the property of both parties, and then one person should own half of the property before marriage and after divorce, but at the same time, the following principles should be followed:
    1、 The principle of equality between men and women.
    2、 The principle of caring for children and women's interests.
    3、 The principle of beneficial life and convenient life.
    4、 The principle that rights shall not be abused.
    How to Determine the Scope of Common Property in Divorce Property Division
    1、 Common property includes: Article 17 of the Marriage Law stipulates that the following property during the marriage relationship shall be jointly owned by the husband and wife:
    1. Salary and bonus;
    2. Income from production and operation;
    3. Income from intellectual property;
    4. Inherited or donated property, except those expressly indicated to the husband and wife;
    Including houses, cars, deposits, stocks, household appliances, daily necessities, etc


    2024-06-23 07:00:55

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