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Who is going to change the old account book to the new one

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Who is going to change the old account book to the new one


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  • 2024-06-17 14:00:48

    The change from the old account book to the new account book requires the party concerned to handle it in person. If the party concerned is unable to handle the case, the ID card of the party concerned and the ID card of the person handling the case may also be handled by the person handling the case. If the household register is seriously damaged, you can apply for a replacement of the household register. The head of household can carry the original household register to the local police station for replacement. The applicant should bring the old household registration book directly. If there is any change in marital status, he or she should also bring his or her certificate, which can be handled at the household registration window of the local police station where the household registration is located.

    Legal basis

    Article 17 of the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Household Registration When the contents of household registration need to be changed or corrected, the head of household or the person himself shall report to the household registration authority; The household registration authority shall make changes or corrections after verification.
    When the household registration authority deems it necessary, it may ask the applicant for a certificate of change or correction.


    2024-06-17 14:00:48

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