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Hello, how can I change my child's household registration after divorce without marriage certificate

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Hello, how can I change my child's household registration after divorce without marriage certificate


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  • 2024-06-20 06:00:05

    If parents do not have marriage certificates, their children are born out of wedlock. Children born out of wedlock do not need a marriage certificate to apply for household registration.
    According to the requirements of the Ministry of Public Security, some places have bound the settlement of newborns with family planning work, and set various restrictions on the declaration of household registration of newborns who violate family planning, which has caused some adverse effects on the society. In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the people and the legal right of birth population to apply for household registration in accordance with the law, local governments shall not independently restrict the settlement of newborn babies, especially for unmarried children, over family planning and other people born in violation of the family planning policy, it is strictly prohibited to establish any pre procedures and additional conditions, and shall not collect household registration and social support fees Implement long-term birth control measures.
    The relevant regulations on birth declaration are as follows:
    1、 Application conditions:
    1. Newborn babies can declare their hukou according to the principle of following their parents voluntarily.
    2. If one party of the husband and wife is a family household and the other party is a unit collective household, the birth registration of the child shall be declared with the family household.
    3. If both the husband and the wife have collective unit household registration, they should move the household registration to the legal fixed residence before going through the birth registration of their children; If there is no legal fixed residence, the children born can apply for birth registration with the collective household registration of their father or mother, and move out together with their father or mother when they move out of the household registration.
    2、 Application materials:
    1. Birth medical certificate (if it is really impossible to obtain a birth medical certificate due to special circumstances, the DA paternity certificate issued by the judicial authority shall be provided);
    2. Household register and resident ID card of both parents;
    3. Parents' marriage certificate (except those born out of wedlock);
    4. In the case of Paragraph 3 above, it is also necessary to provide the certificate that the unit of collective account agrees to declare the account.
    3、 Procedures: The guardian shall take the necessary materials to the local police station where the parent's (mother's) household registration is located to report the birth.
    4、 Time limit for handling: complete the formalities at the household registration window of the local police station.

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