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Whether to pay taxes after paying five insurances and one fund or deduct five insurances and one fund after paying taxes?

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Whether to pay taxes after paying five insurances and one fund or deduct five insurances and one fund after paying taxes?


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  • 2024-06-13 08:01:33

    Whether to pay taxes after paying five insurances and one fund or deduct five insurances and one fund after paying taxes?
    According to the amount of salary, pay five insurances and one fund first, and then pay individual income tax. For example, if a person in Guangzhou has a monthly salary of 6000 and will pay social insurance at 19% according to the regulations, then the "tax payable"=6000x19% - 3500=1360, the corresponding tax rate and quick calculation deduction are 3% and 0 respectively, so the individual=1360x3% - 0=40.8 yuan. The latest personal income tax calculator in 2015 has raised the threshold from 2000 yuan to 3500 yuan since the implementation of the new tax law. Individual income tax=tax payable × tax rate - quick calculation deduction, in which tax payable=wages - three insurances and one fund - threshold, tax rate and quick calculation deduction correspond to different tax payable respectively. Is there anything you don't understand?

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