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How to terminate the contract if the lessee does not rent (how to sue if the lessee does not pay the rent in the Civil Code)

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How to terminate the contract if the lessee does not rent (how to sue if the lessee does not pay the rent in the Civil Code)


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  • 2024-06-10 09:01:33

    No matter whether we are working, studying or living, we may encounter various legal problems, so we usually need to know more about legal knowledge, so that when we encounter legal problems, we can deal with them well to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests. This article has sorted out some legal knowledge related to what conditions can be used to terminate the contract if the lessee does not give the rent in the Civil Code, and what to do if the rental deposit is not refunded. I hope it can help you.

    List of contents of this article:

    1. In the Civil Code, what conditions can the lessee cancel the contract if he does not give the rent? 3. How to deal with civil disputes?

    In the Civil Code, what conditions can the lessee cancel the contract without paying the rent

    If the lessee fails to pay the rent at the time agreed in the contract and still fails to do so after being urged by the lessor, the lessee may terminate the lease contract. Article 563 [Legal termination of contract] of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China may terminate the contract under any of the following circumstances:

    (1) The purpose of the contract cannot be achieved due to force majeure;

    (2) Prior to the expiration of the time limit for performance, one of the parties expressly stated or indicated by its own behavior that it would not perform its main obligations;

    (3) One party delayed the performance of its main debts and failed to perform within a reasonable period after being urged to do so;

    (4) The purpose of the contract cannot be realized due to the delay in performance of the obligation or other breach of contract by one party;

    (5) Other circumstances prescribed by law. For an indefinite contract with a continuously performed obligation as its content, the parties may terminate the contract at any time, but shall notify the other party before a reasonable time.

    What is the rent agreement for demolition disputes?

    In case of house leasing, the basic information of the house and both parties shall be specified in the demolition contract; The purpose of the house; Lease term; Rent delivery during the lease term; Demolition compensation and resettlement methods; Conditions for early termination of the contract due to demolition; Liability for breach of contract; Settlement methods of demolition disputes, etc. If both parties really fail to negotiate the dispute, they can choose to sue.

    How to deal with civil disputes?

    1. Consultation. Both sides rely on their own strength to compromise and compromise with each other and resolve disputes. This method is fast, simple and calm, but the contents of the negotiation should be recorded in writing.

    2. Mediation. The intervention of a third party will promote mutual understanding and compromise between the disputing parties and ultimately resolve the conflict. When the parties to a dispute lose the basis for dialogue, it is a wise choice to seek third-party mediation.

    3. Arbitration. A dispute resolution mechanism that submits disputes to arbitration institutions for arbitration. The arbitration award is final. If one party fails to perform the arbitration award, the other party may apply to the court for enforcement.

    4. Litigation. A system whereby one party submits a request to the court and the court decides the dispute. Litigation is the ultimate and most authoritative dispute resolution mechanism and the final barrier for the parties to protect their rights.

    If there is any unclear or new situation, we suggest you directly ask questions online to understand the situation of the communication case. The idle lawyers of the intelligent matching platform will give you detailed and targeted answers, and try to explain the general situation to avoid incorrect answers due to incomplete information and poor communication. I wish success in safeguarding human rights.


    2024-06-10 09:01:33

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