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How to deal with Fang's refusal to let children visit

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How to deal with Fang's refusal to let children visit


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  • 2024-06-26 00:01:42

    First, both parents need to negotiate. After all, parents should think about their children's happiness. Divorce may lead to children's lack of parental love and estrangement from their father or mother, which is detrimental to their growth. If parents can sit down and negotiate friendly on how to visit their children, the problem of how not to visit their children will be solved and everyone will be happy. If one party of the couple insists on divorce and does not allow them to see their children or visit their children, and cannot reach an agreement on the children's visitation rights, the remaining way is to file a lawsuit to the court. Since divorce does not allow children to be seen and children to be visited constitute infringement, the court will make a judgment on the way and time to exercise the right of visit in accordance with the principle of "conducive to the healthy growth of children", and require both husband and wife to assist in the implementation. If the husband and wife reach an agreement on the child's visitation right or the court makes a judgment on the visitation right, and the child raising party still refuses to see the child or visit the child, what should we do? In this case, we can apply to the court for enforcement. However, the enforcement of visitation right is not a general enforcement. The court cannot directly enforce the children's personal and visitation behavior, but it means that the relevant individuals and units who refuse to perform to assist the other party in exercising visitation right should be detained, fined and other coercive measures, and forced to divorce by means of fines and detention The party who visits the child is not allowed to assist the other party in exercising the right of visit.
    2、 Can the custody right of children be changed? After divorce, if one party requests to change the custody relationship of children, it shall file a separate lawsuit. If one party requests to change the custody relationship of children, the court shall support it in any of the following circumstances:
    1. The party who lives with the child is unable to continue to support the child due to serious illness or disability;
    2. The party living together with the child does not fulfill the obligation to support or maltreats the child, or the living together with the child has adverse effects on the physical and mental health of the child;
    3. A minor child over the age of 10 who is willing to live with the other party and who has the ability to support him or her;
    4. There are other justifiable reasons for change. If both parties decide to change the custody right of children through friendly negotiation, the court shall allow it.

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