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How to calculate the property transfer inheritance and transfer fees

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How to calculate the property transfer inheritance and transfer fees


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  • 2024-06-20 07:01:41

    The costs are as follows:
    1. Inheritance right notarization fee The inheritance right notarization fee shall be charged at 2% of the appraisal value of the real estate inherited by the heir, and the minimum amount shall not be less than 200 yuan.
    2. The appraisal fee of real estate value is calculated in accordance with the Hujianfang () No. 088 document. The progressive charging rate of the total real estate price (10000 yuan) is ‰ 3. The inheritance and transfer tax of real estate consists of the contract stamp tax of 0.05 yuan of the house appraisal price, the registration fee of 100 yuan, and the certificate stamp tax of 5 yuan.
    The legal heir inherits the real estate and is exempt from the deed tax. For the illegal heir who inherits the land and house ownership according to the will, the deed tax of 1.5 shall be paid. For example, if a house of 1 million yuan is to be inherited and transferred, it needs to bear a house evaluation fee of 5000 yuan, a notarization fee of 20000 yuan, a contract stamp tax of 500 yuan, a registration fee of 100 yuan, and a certificate stamp tax of 25605 yuan. The cost is considerable, so some people directly register the house in the name of their children when purchasing real estate. The property inheritance first needs to be notarized, and then the housing inheritance fee is calculated according to the housing area, housing value, etc. It also needs to pay certain taxes. Compared with the housing gift, the fee can be said to be lower.

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