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Is there any record of execution outside prison

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Is there any record of execution outside prison


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  • 2024-06-17 15:00:01

    The execution outside prison has a record and can be found out within the public security system.
    Execution outside prison refers to a kind of penalty execution system in which criminals temporarily change the place and mode of penalty execution due to certain circumstances stipulated by law, and execute penalty outside prison.
    The prerequisite for execution outside prison is that a criminal sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment or criminal detention is still in the process of execution.
    A criminal sentenced to death has been deprived of his freedom of life, and there is no possibility of temporary execution outside prison. Most of the criminals sentenced to life imprisonment are serious crimes with deep subjective malignancy, which has certain social risks. If they are allowed to be temporarily executed outside prison, it will inevitably cause social instability and make the people lose confidence in the national laws.
    A criminal sentenced to public surveillance or deprived of political rights alone is not detained but put into society to execute the punishment imposed on him, nor is it necessary to temporarily execute the sentence outside prison.

    Legal basis

    Article 268 of the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China shall, under any of the following circumstances, put a criminal temporarily serving sentence outside prison back into prison without delay:
    (1) It is found that the conditions for temporary execution outside prison are not met;
    (2) Seriously violating the regulations on supervision and administration of temporary execution outside prison;
    (3) After the circumstances of temporary execution outside prison disappear, the criminal's term of imprisonment has not expired.
    If the people's court decides that a criminal who is to temporarily serve sentence outside prison should be put in prison, the people's court shall make a decision and serve the relevant legal documents on the public security organ, prison or other execution organ.
    If a criminal who does not meet the conditions for temporary execution outside prison is temporarily executed outside prison by illegal means such as bribery, the period of execution outside prison shall not be included in the term of execution. If a criminal escapes during the period when he is temporarily serving his sentence outside prison, the period during which he escapes shall not be included in the term of serving his sentence.
    If a prisoner dies during the period of temporary execution outside prison, the executing organ shall timely notify the prison or detention house.

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