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What are the requirements of the people's police?

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What are the requirements of the people's police?


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  • 2024-06-13 02:00:04

    What are the requirements of the people's police?
    The police include the armed police and the people's police. In a broad sense, "public security" refers to the people's police, which can be divided into three categories: public security police under the management of public security departments (i.e. "public security" in a narrow sense, including public security, household registration, criminal investigation, transportation, etc.), national security police under the management of national security departments, and judicial police under the court procuratorate system. The conditions for applying for the police examination are as follows: Article 26 of the People's Police Law of the People's Republic of China stipulates that the following conditions shall be met to serve as the people's police: (1) citizens who have reached the age of 18; (2) Support the Constitution of the People's Republic of China; (3) Have good political and professional quality and good conduct; (4) Physical health; (5) High school graduate or above; (6) Volunteer for the work of the people's police. At the same time, this article stipulates that a person who has one of the following circumstances may not serve as a people's policeman: (1) has been subject to criminal punishment for a crime; (2) Having been dismissed from public office. According to the provisions of Article 5 of the Measures for the Recruitment of People's Police in Public Security Organs, in addition to the basic conditions for applying for the examination as a national civil servant and the conditions specified in the People's Police Law of the People's Republic of China, applicants for the examination as a people's police must also meet the following conditions: (1) under the age of 25. Special posts or ethnic minorities and remote areas may be appropriately relaxed with the approval of the competent public security departments (bureaus) of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, but not more than 30 years old; (2) Healthy, upright, no disability, no stuttering, no hard of hearing, no color blindness, and the naked eye vision is above 1.0. The height of men is more than 1 or 70 meters, and that of women is more than 1.60 meters (some areas in the south can be appropriately relaxed with the approval of the public security departments and bureaus of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government). Article 6 of the Measures stipulates that under any of the following circumstances, a person may not apply for the examination of the people's police: (1) a person who has been subjected to criminal punishment, reeducation through labor, or juvenile reeducation; (2) Those who are suspected of committing a crime but have not been investigated; (3) Having been dismissed or dismissed from public office; (4) Morally corrupt, having bad behaviors such as hooliganism and theft; (5) Any of the direct relatives by blood or collateral relatives who have a significant impact on themselves has been sentenced to death or is serving a sentence; (6) Direct relatives by blood and collateral relatives by blood who have significant influence on themselves are engaged in activities to subvert China's political power at home and abroad. Do you understand this explanation?

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