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How to sentence the crime of indecency against women?

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How to sentence the crime of indecency against women?


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  • 2024-06-12 14:00:54

    How to sentence the crime of indecency against women?
    Article 237 of the Criminal Law stipulates that those who molest women shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years or criminal detention; Whoever gathers a crowd or commits the crime mentioned in the preceding paragraph in public in a public place shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years. The crime of indecency is a crime to be revised in the ninth (draft) amendment to the Criminal Law. After passing, the object of the crime of indecency will no longer have gender restrictions. In the past, the criminal objects of indecency in China's criminal law were only women and children under 14 years old. The Criminal Law Amendment (9), which came into force on November 1, 2015, revised the provisions of Article 237 of the Criminal Law on the crime of forced indecency against women and children, changing indecency against women to indecency against others. Of course, "others" include both women and men. After the Ninth Amendment to the Criminal Law came into force, sexual harassment of men with serious circumstances may also constitute a crime. The so-called obscenity refers to obscenity committed by means other than sexual intercourse with the purpose of stimulating or satisfying sexual desire. The crime of indecency only refers to the forced indecency against men, women or children by violence, threats or other means, against the will of men, women or children, and the circumstances are serious enough to constitute a crime. Criminal law is the law that stipulates crime, criminal responsibility and punishment. It is the general name of the legal norms that the ruling class in power, in order to maintain its political rule and the economic interests of all classes, according to its own will, stipulates which acts are crimes and what criminal responsibility should be borne, and what criminal punishment should be given to criminal suspects. Criminal law has broad and narrow meanings. The broad criminal law is the general term of all criminal legal norms, while the narrow criminal law only refers to the criminal code, namely the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China in China. In connection with the broad criminal law and the narrow criminal law, criminal law can also be divided into ordinary criminal law and special criminal law. The ordinary criminal law refers to the criminal law with universal effect, in fact, it refers to the criminal code. Special criminal law refers to the criminal law that is only applicable to specific person, time, place and matter (crime). Do you understand that?

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