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Under what circumstances does the traffic police not give a receipt to the reporter?

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Under what circumstances does the traffic police not give a receipt to the reporter?


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  • 2024-06-13 06:00:55

    Under what circumstances does the traffic police not give a receipt to the reporter? The traffic police of the public security organ will not give a receipt if they do not accept the case. If a case is reported, reported or handed over to the public security organ, the public security organ shall, after accepting the case, give the reporter, the informant and the person who handed over the case a "Receipt of Case". If the reporter, the informant and the person who handed over the case do not want the "Receipt of Case" or cannot be delivered for other reasons, the reporter shall be notified by telephone. The informant and the person who delivered the case shall be indicated on the Receipt of Case Acceptance. If the case is not under the jurisdiction of the public security organ and the public security organ does not accept it, the Receipt of Acceptance will not be given. Is this easy to understand?

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