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Is it illegal for e-commerce to brush sales volume

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Is it illegal for e-commerce to brush sales volume


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  • 2024-06-17 15:00:01

    Swipe sales is an unfair competition behavior in the form of fictitious transactions to improve business reputation for oneself, which is an illegal act. If the online seller swipes the bill, if the circumstances are serious, it may constitute a crime of illegal business, and face a maximum of more than five years of imprisonment, a fine of more than one time but less than five times the illegal income, or confiscation of property and other legal liabilities. According to China's laws, business operators shall not make false or misleading commercial propaganda about the performance, function, quality, sales status, user evaluation, and past honors of their goods, so as to deceive and mislead consumers; Operators shall not help other operators to conduct false or misleading commercial propaganda by organizing false transactions or other means.

    Legal basis

    Article 8 of the Law against Unfair Competition, business operators shall not make false or misleading commercial propaganda to deceive or mislead consumers about the performance, function, quality, sales status, user evaluation, and previous honors of their commodities. Operators shall not help other operators to conduct false or misleading commercial propaganda by organizing false transactions or other means.


    2024-06-17 15:00:01

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