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After the written decision on the cancellation of the case is given to the suspect unit, does the unit have a receipt?

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After the written decision on the cancellation of the case is given to the suspect unit, does the unit have a receipt?


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  • 2024-06-12 16:01:40

    After the written decision on the cancellation of the case is given to the suspect unit, does the unit have a receipt? The reason for the so-called "cancellation of the case" may be "insufficient evidence" or "the circumstances are significantly minor" or even the suspect (defendant) has died. In this case, the case has been withdrawn, but there is still a "criminal suspect" mark in the file, which means that the case was closed in an "abnormal way", which may be one of the reasons listed above, such as "the circumstances are significantly minor" instead of being closed as a crime. If the questioner wants to remove the above "criminal suspect", there are two ways: the first is the way of litigation, that is, he/she refuses to accept the decision of the public security organ or the procuratorate to "revoke the case", but instead brings a "private prosecution" to the court, asking the court to judge him/her innocent, which fundamentally "returns his/her innocence". The second way is to request the public security organ to make changes through administrative litigation or administrative reconsideration. However, this approach has a lot of human factors and randomness, and it may even "ask for trouble when nothing happens, and small things become big things." In contrast, the private prosecution approach, where the court gives a conclusion (acquittal) according to law, is the most persuasive and relatively easy to grasp. If it is found that a lawsuit is in progress, and small things may become big, it can "withdraw the lawsuit" - -- just as if I said nothing. Do you understand this explanation?

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