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Temporary ID card can be used for marriage registration

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Temporary ID card can be used for marriage registration


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  • 2024-06-25 10:01:51

    The Ministry of Civil Affairs announced ten new regulations on the administration of marriage registration, relaxed the requirements on identity documents for marriage registration, and made it clear for the first time that non mainland Chinese residents can register their marriages in the mainland marriage registration authority. Temporary ID cards can also be used for registration. Zhang Mingliang, director of the Department of Grassroots Political Power and Community Construction of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, said yesterday that some parties are often unable to submit resident ID cards when handling marriage registration. However, according to the Interim Provisions on the Administration of Temporary ID Cards, "temporary ID cards have the legal effect of proving citizenship". Therefore, when the parties applying for marriage and divorce registration can only submit temporary ID cards, the registration authority should also handle marriage registration for them.
    2、 The copy of the Household Register can be used for registration. According to the Opinions, many people are unable to provide the Household Register due to limited conditions. If the party concerned cannot issue the Household Register, the marriage registration authority can handle the marriage registration with the household registration certificate stamped with the seal issued by the public security department or the relevant household registration authority; If the party concerned belongs to a collective household register, the marriage registration authority can handle the marriage registration by presenting his/her household card in the collective household register or the photocopy of the household register with the unit seal recording his/her household registration. If the party concerned has not gone through the formalities for settling down, the marriage registration authority in the place where the household registration is moved out or where the other party's household registration is located may handle the marriage registration with the certification materials issued by the public security department or the relevant household registration management agency.
    3、 Divorce can be handled directly without a marriage certificate According to the new regulations, if the marriage certificate of the party applying for divorce registration is lost, he or she can go through the divorce procedures directly without obtaining a new marriage certificate. If one marriage certificate is lost, the party concerned may apply for divorce registration according to the other marriage certificate; If both marriage certificates are lost, the party concerned can go through divorce registration according to the marriage registration files or marriage registration records and other supporting materials. However, the party concerned shall make a written statement on the loss of the marriage certificate, which shall be filed by the marriage registration authority.


    2024-06-25 10:01:51

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