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What is the impact of three months' suspension of social security payment

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Does the three month suspension of social security have any impact


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  • 2024-06-18 10:00:49

    The suspension of social insurance payment will affect the benefits of the insured. The impact of the suspension of social insurance payment policy varies in different regions, such as:

    1. During the period when the medical insurance is not paid, you cannot enjoy medical insurance benefits. After the renewal of payment, you can enjoy medical insurance benefits after 3-6 months.

    2. The suspension of pension insurance has little impact, because after 15 years of insurance, you can enjoy pension benefits after retirement, and there is no continuity problem;

    3. If the maternity insurance is not paid in full, the maternity insurance benefits cannot be enjoyed;

    4. Local settlement and point enrollment have requirements on social insurance participation, and payment interruption will be affected.

    Legal basis

    Article 27 of the Full Text of the Social Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China, if an individual who participates in the basic medical insurance for employees reaches the statutory retirement age and the cumulative payment reaches the number of years specified by the state, he will not pay the basic medical insurance premium after retirement and will enjoy the basic medical insurance benefits in accordance with the state regulations; Those who have not reached the prescribed time limit of the State may pay the fees to the prescribed time limit of the State.

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