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Is it OK to have only one political trial for single parent families

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Is it OK to have only one political trial for single parent families


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  • 2024-06-18 09:00:51

    The political trial is a strict principle. When a child applies for election to a relevant unit, if he or she has a criminal record in his or her immediate family, the general political trial will be affected. Even for divorced families, the immediate family relationship will not change, so it will still have an impact.

    If you have been a single parent for decades, and really have no way to contact or communicate with the other party, you can report the situation to the grass-roots party organization, and the party organization will decide whether to send a political transfer letter. The requirements for political trial are quite strict, and the purpose is also to ensure the confidentiality of the work of state organs and prevent lawbreakers from mixing in.

    Legal basis

    Article 26 of the Civil Servant Law of the People's Republic of China:
    (1) Having received criminal punishment for a crime;
    (2) Being expelled from the Communist Party of China;
    (3) Being dismissed from public office;
    (4) Listed as the object of joint punishment for dishonesty according to law;
    (5) There are other circumstances under which employment as a civil servant is prohibited by law.


    2024-06-18 09:00:51

  • civil Relevant knowledge

  • law

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