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What's the difference between a will and a bequest

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What's the difference between a will and a bequest


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  • 2024-06-23 04:00:00

    Legacy and testamentary succession both dispose of property by means of will, which have many similarities in form, but the differences are also very obvious. According to the provisions of the Inheritance Law of the People's Republic of China, the main differences between testamentary succession and bequest are mainly reflected in the following aspects:
    (1) The scope of heirs and legatees is different. A testamentary successor can only be an individual within or outside the scope of the statutory successor, while a legatee can only be a person outside the scope of the statutory successor or a state or collective unit, and the legatee can be either an individual or a state or collective unit.
    (2) If the testamentary successor does not explicitly give up after the beginning of succession and before the division of the estate, it shall be deemed as inheritance. However, if the legatee fails to express his acceptance of the legacy within two months after he knows or should have known of the legacy, he shall be deemed to have given up, and lose the right to legacy.
    (3) The right to be bequeathed cannot be exercised by others. When the legatee dies before the legatee, his right to receive legacy will disappear naturally. When the legatee is unwilling to accept the legacy, he cannot transfer the legacy property to others. However, when succession begins, if the legatee expresses his acceptance of the legacy and dies before the division of the estate, his right to accept the legacy is transferred to his successor.
    Article 16 of the Inheritance Law of the People's Republic of China
    A citizen may make a will to dispose of his personal property in accordance with the provisions of this Law, and may appoint an executor of the will.
    A citizen may, by making a will, designate one or more of his legal successors to inherit his personal property.
    A citizen may make a will to donate his personal property to the state, a collective or a person other than the legal heir.

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