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Will Lao Lai's consequences affect his children

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Will Lao Lai's consequences affect his children


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  • 2024-06-17 14:00:48

    If one or both of the parents are Laolai, the impact on the children is:

    1. Children cannot attend private schools with high fees;

    2. Children may be rejected when they are taking the university or postgraduate entrance examination;

    3. For minor children, their property may be enforced.

    Lao Lai himself was affected by: the court could auction his only house; The court can seal or freeze the virtual account; Its list will be synchronized to Sesame Credit, and online shopping will be limited; Vehicles under the name cannot go on the expressway; It is not allowed to take the bullet train or aircraft with the beginning of G. Lao Lai, also known as the "dishonest person to be executed", refers to the person to be executed who has the ability to perform but refuses to perform the obligations specified in the effective legal documents.

    Legal basis

    Article 3 of the Several Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Restricting the High Consumption and Related Consumption of the Enforced, if the Enforced is a natural person, after the measures of restricting consumption are taken, the following high consumption and consumption behaviors not necessary for life and work are not allowed:
    (1) When taking transportation, choose aircraft, train soft berth, ship second-class or above;
    (2) High consumption in hotels, hotels, nightclubs, golf courses and other places above star level;
    (3) Purchase of real estate or new, expanded or high-grade decorated houses;
    (4) Rent high-end office buildings, hotels, apartments and other places for office work; (
    5) Purchase of vehicles not necessary for operation;
    (6) Tourism and vacation; (
    7) Children attend high fee private schools;
    (8) Pay high premiums to buy insurance and wealth management products;
    (9) Take all the seats of the G-head EMU train, the first class or above seats of other EMU trains and other consumer behaviors that are not necessary for life and work.
    If the person subjected to execution is a unit, and after the consumption restriction measures are taken, the person subjected to execution and his legal representative, main responsible person, the person directly responsible for affecting the performance of the debt, and the actual controller may not commit the acts specified in the preceding paragraph. Anyone who uses his personal property to carry out the acts specified in the preceding paragraph for private consumption may apply to the enforcement court. If the examination by the enforcement court is true, it shall be permitted.

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