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What benefits should the company provide to employees

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What benefits should the company provide to employees


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  • 2024-06-18 08:00:58

    The company's employee benefits can include: catering benefits, clothing subsidies, housing benefits, transportation benefits, paid leave, holiday benefits, birthday benefits, employee benefits, and health examination. Specific benefits shall be subject to the Company's regulations.

    Employee welfare is an important part of the enterprise's human resources compensation management system, and it is the compensation provided to employees by enterprises or other organizations in the form of welfare.

    1. Employee benefits generally include health insurance, paid leave or pension. These awards, as part of the welfare of enterprise members, are awarded to individual employees or groups of employees. Benefits must be considered as part of the total remuneration.

    2. Unlike employees' income, benefits are generally not taxable. For this reason, benefits are more valuable to employees in a sense than equivalent cash payments. Benefits apply to all employees, while bonuses apply only to high performing employees.

    There are many kinds of benefits, and various enterprises also provide different forms of benefits for employees. However, various benefits can be classified into the following categories: supplementary wage benefits, insurance benefits, retirement benefits, and employee service benefits.

    Legal basis

    Article 76 of the Labor Law of the People's Republic of China The State develops social welfare undertakings, builds public welfare facilities and provides conditions for workers to rest, recuperate and recuperate.
    The employing unit shall create conditions to improve collective welfare and improve the welfare treatment of workers.

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