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How to settle disputes over inheritance

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How to settle disputes over inheritance


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  • 2024-06-23 10:00:01

    Inheritance disputes are disputes arising from disputes over the decedent's estate after the decedent's death. Any dispute arising from the right of inheritance, the order of inheritance, the share of inheritance distribution, etc., is an inheritance dispute. According to the provisions of the current laws of our country, inheritance disputes have occurred and can be resolved through the following ways:
    First, self negotiation. After the inheritance dispute occurs, the relevant parties can, on the basis of complete voluntariness, through mutual understanding and mutual accommodation, negotiate an agreement on the time, method and share of the inheritance division that all heirs are willing to accept, and then divide the inheritance according to the agreement.
    Secondly, the people's mediation committee mediates. The people's mediation committee is a mass organization. After a succession dispute occurs, if the parties concerned fail to reach an agreement through consultation, the people's mediation committee may mediate. The People's Mediation Committee, based on the Inheritance Law, mediates disputes through persuasion and education, and urges the parties to understand, compromise and reach an agreement on a voluntary basis.
    Finally, a lawsuit shall be filed with the people's court. After a succession dispute arises, if no agreement can be reached through consultation, it may be brought directly to the people's court without mediation by the people's mediation committee. If no agreement can be reached after mediation by the people's mediation committee, either party has the right to bring a lawsuit to the people's court.
    Article 15 of the Inheritance Law of the People's Republic of China
    Successors should deal with inheritance issues through consultation in the spirit of mutual understanding and mutual accommodation, harmony and unity. The time, method and share of the division of the estate shall be determined by the successors through consultation. If the consultation fails, the people's mediation committee may mediate or bring a lawsuit to the people's court.

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