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What are the conditions for adopting a child

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What are the conditions for adopting a child


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  • 2024-06-25 14:01:49

    1. Adults with full capacity for civil conduct, that is, adults who can conduct civil activities independently and are in normal spirits;
    2. If an orphan or a disabled child who has reached the age of 35 is allowed to adopt an orphan or a disabled child without this restriction, and a stepparent is allowed to adopt a stepchild or a male who has no spouse is allowed to adopt a female, the age difference between the adopter and the adopted person should be more than 40 years; However, the adoption of children of collateral relatives of the same generation within three generations is not subject to this restriction
    3. The adoption of orphans or disabled children without children is not subject to this restriction. The adoption of step children by step parents is also not subject to this restriction. Overseas Chinese who adopt children of collateral blood relatives of the same generation within three generations are also not subject to this restriction. Even if there is a child, but the child is suffering from mental illness and other serious diseases, and cannot fulfill the obligations of support in the future, they can also adopt a healthy child
    4. Ability to support and educate the adopted person


    2024-06-25 14:01:49

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