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Hello, I want to ask if I have children without marriage certificate

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Hello, I want to ask if I have children without marriage certificate


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  • 2024-06-20 06:00:50

    According to Article 2 of the Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Solving the Problem of Registration of Persons without Household Registration, registration of permanent residence for persons without household registration according to law (1) Persons without household registration who do not conform to the family planning policy. For non registered persons who give birth outside the policy or who give birth out of wedlock, they or their guardians can apply for permanent residence registration on the strength of the Birth Medical Certificate and the household register, marriage certificate or description of illegitimate birth of one of their parents, according to the policy of voluntarily settling down with their parents. For those who apply to settle down with their father and have no household registration, they should also provide a paternity certificate issued by a qualified appraisal institution.
    (2) Persons without a household registration who have not handled the Medical Certificate of Birth. If a person without registered permanent residence is born in a midwifery institution, he or his guardian may apply to the midwifery institution for a Birth Medical Certificate; If a person without registered permanent residence is born outside the midwifery institution, he or her guardian shall provide the paternity certificate issued by a qualified appraisal institution, and apply for the Birth Medical Certificate from the institution entrusted by the health and family planning administrative department at the county level in the place where he or she intends to settle. Persons without a household registration or their guardians shall apply for permanent residence registration by presenting the Birth Medical Certificate and the household register, marriage certificate or description of illegitimate births of one parent. Extended information: Precautions on how to register children without marriage certificate:
    First, within 60 days of birth (different policies in different places, which may not be 60 days in some places), the newborn takes the family planning service manual, the ID cards of both parents (the mother does not need to provide the letter of authorization signed by the mother and the father) and the birth footprint paper to the hospital to apply for the birth medical certificate. Now they are all machine typed. We must see whether the relevant ID numbers are correct. We can go to the household administration center in the province. Because the numbers are wrong, there will be other troubles. Second, the baby's account can be registered with the father or the mother. When you go to register the baby, you must bring your parents' ID card, account book, birth permit and the baby's birth certificate.
    Third, you can go to the household administration department with all these things to register your baby. Now all newborns have their own ID card numbers, and the honor card of the only child has also been handled together. For the application procedures of the public security police station, within one month after the birth of a newborn baby whose parents are both residents of the city, the parents or guardians of the baby shall report the birth registration to the police station in the place where the father or mother's permanent residence is located by presenting the Birth Medical Certificate, the marriage certificate and the Household Register of the parents of the baby , Resident Identity Card)


    2024-06-20 06:00:50

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