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Without a marriage certificate, the child is eight months old. If divorced, who will get the child

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Without a marriage certificate, the child is eight months old. If divorced, who will get the child


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  • 2024-06-20 08:00:01

    Because both men and women have not received a marriage certificate, there is no marriage relationship between them in law, just a common love cohabitation relationship, that is, there is no divorce between men and women. If men and women want to separate now, they can separate directly. It is also free to marry anyone, and the legal marriage relationship will not be recognized because both men and women have hosted a banquet or held a wedding ceremony.
    The two parties can negotiate about the custody of the child. If they can't negotiate, they can sue to the court about the custody of the child. The court will decide according to the actual situation of both parties, such as living environment, working conditions, economic income, educational background, child age and other comprehensive conditions. In a word, The basis and principle of the court's decision on the ownership of the child's custody is to award it to the party most conducive to the healthy growth of the child.
    Because your child is still less than two years old, in practice, the court generally judges children under two years old to be raised and cared for by the woman, because children of this age group are more suitable for the woman to raise in life and emotion, unless the woman has special circumstances. The special situation here refers to the long-term existence of domestic violence, abandonment, child abuse, drug abuse, gambling and other bad habits.


    2024-06-20 08:00:01

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