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What requirements do men and women need to meet to register for marriage

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What requirements do men and women need to meet to register for marriage


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  • 2024-06-25 21:01:42

    Marriage is the legal guarantee for both men and women to live together. In many cases, there are fixed procedures that they need. The handling of marriage certificate and the related materials that need to be prepared are also an important issue for many couples. Marriage registration is a necessary condition for obtaining a legal form of marriage, That is to establish the relationship between husband and wife. Therefore, marriage registration is a legally effective system. Marriage, as a civil legal act of both men and women, must be carried out in strict accordance with the law. When the parties are not allowed to register arbitrarily, both men and women must hold their own resident identity cards or household registration certificates and their units or village committees (neighborhood committees) The certificate of my birth date and marital status issued by me shall be submitted to the marriage registration authority where one party's household registration is located together to apply for the marriage registration authority. In the city, it is a sub district office or a district people's government, a city people's government not divided into districts, and in the countryside, it is a township, nationality township, or town people's government registration authority that carefully reviews the application of the party concerned, Those who meet the legal conditions for marriage shall be granted registration and issued marriage certificates; Otherwise, if the party who refuses to register does not agree with the decision of the registration authority, he has the right to apply to the superior competent authority for settlement. According to the provisions of the Marriage Law, the conditions for marriage registration include the following aspects:
    1. Both men and women must marry voluntarily
    2. Marriage age, male over 22, female over 20
    3. Neither party has spouse (unmarried, divorced, widowed)
    4. The marriage registration of both parties without direct blood relationship and collateral blood relationship within three generations requires both men and women to submit the following certificates:
    1. My permanent residence booklet and resident ID card
    2. Signed statement that I have no spouse and no direct blood relationship or collateral blood relationship within three generations with the other party
    3. The party concerned submitted three recent 2-inch half length bareheaded color group photos
    2、 Where is the place of marriage registration
    1. Both men and women who require marriage registration shall present the required certificates to the marriage registration office of the district or county level municipal civil affairs bureau (or town people's government) where one party has permanent residence
    2. Both parties shall apply to the marriage registration authority in person and fill out a Declaration of Application for Marriage Registration
    3. Both parties must sign in person or press the fingerprint in the column of "declarant" in the Declaration of Application for Marriage Registration in front of the marriage registrar
    4. The marriage registration authority shall review the certificates and statements submitted by both parties. If the marriage registration conditions are met, the marriage registration shall be granted. According to the relevant provisions of the Marriage Law, the applicant shall not be registered for marriage if he or she has the following circumstances:
    (1) Under the legal age for marriage;
    (2) Involuntary;
    (3) Having a spouse;
    (4) Being directly related by blood or collateral related by blood within three generations;
    (5) Having a disease that is medically considered unfit for marriage


    2024-06-25 21:01:42

  • civil Relevant knowledge

  • law

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