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What are the relevant documents and regulations of the State on the resignation of employees of public institutions due to illness?

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What are the relevant documents and regulations of the State on the resignation of employees of public institutions due to illness?


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  • 2024-06-12 13:00:02

    What are the relevant documents and regulations of the State on the resignation of employees of public institutions due to illness? 1. The Law of the People's Republic of China on Public Servants stipulates that public servants who have reached the retirement age set by the state or have completely lost their ability to work shall retire. If a civil servant meets one of the following conditions, he/she can voluntarily apply for early retirement with the approval of the appointment and removal organ: (1) he/she has worked for 30 years or more; (2) Less than five years away from the retirement age stipulated by the state, and more than 20 years of service; (3) The cadres and workers who meet the provisions of the second Interim Measures on the Placement of Old, Weak, Sick and Disabled Cadres and the Interim Measures of the State Council on the Retirement and Resignation of Workers stipulated by the state in other circumstances that can be retired early, do not meet the retirement conditions, and have been confirmed to have completely lost their working ability or working ability by the hospital diagnosis certificate and the identification center for the disability of organs and institutions, Should resign. According to the document [1978] No.104 of the Three Kingdoms Development, those who have the following circumstances can retire early: (1) Cadres and workers who are engaged in underground, high altitude, high temperature, particularly heavy physical labor or other work harmful to health, men who have reached the age of 55, women who have reached the age of 45, and have worked continuously for 10 years. In March 1979, the Labor Bureau of the Autonomous Region implemented the interpretation of several specific issues in the GF [78] No. 104 document, stipulating that workers who are engaged in underground work, high temperature work and live in high mountains and plateaus above 3500 meters above sea level can retire if they are 55 years old for men and 45 years old for women; (2) Male over 50 years old, female over 45 years old, revolutionary working years or continuous working years over 10 years: totally lost the ability to work or work as confirmed by the hospital diagnosis certificate and the identification center for disability of organs and institutions. (3) Disabled due to business (work), and completely lost the ability to work and labor ability through hospital diagnosis certificate and appraisal committee.

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