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Can the person sue the man

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Can the person sue the man


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  • 2024-06-25 10:01:03

    A third party may not sue the man for the crime of bigamy, but may report the case to the public security bureau. The crime of bigamy refers to the act of marrying another person with a spouse or knowingly marrying another person with a spouse. The so-called spouse refers to a man who has a wife and a woman who has a husband, and this relationship between husband and wife is still in existence without legal procedures; If the relationship between husband and wife has been dissolved, or the relationship between husband and wife has naturally disappeared due to the death of one spouse, that is, the person who no longer has a spouse. Bigamy cases are usually prosecuted by the victims themselves. If the circumstances are serious and the impact is very bad, even if the victims do not prosecute, the people, social organizations or relevant departments should file a complaint. If a crime is suspected, the Public Security Bureau shall file a case for investigation, transfer the case to the procuratorate for review and prosecution after the investigation is completed, and the procuratorate shall file a public prosecution to the people's court for trial.
    2、 According to the law, Article 108 of the Criminal Procedure Law, any unit or individual who finds a criminal fact or criminal suspect has the right and obligation to report or report to the public security organ, the People's Procuratorate or the People's Court.

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