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Will public officials be dismissed from public office if they hit people with their cars

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Will public officials be dismissed from public office if they hit people with their cars


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  • 2024-06-18 07:00:00

    First of all, whether public officials or others, who drive to kill people, need to bear the corresponding responsibility. Second, public officials, as government workers of the country, have a huge impact on public opinion and society due to criminal or civil crimes. In addition, according to the regulations on civil servant punishment of administrative organs, they do not perform their duties according to law, resulting in avoidable explosions Occurrence of major accidents or mass incidents such as fire, epidemic of infectious diseases, serious environmental pollution, serious casualties, etc; To record a demerit or a major demerit; If the circumstances are relatively serious, they shall be demoted or removed from office; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be dismissed. Therefore, if public officials drive to kill people, if they are fully responsible, they will not only be dismissed from public office, but may also bear corresponding civil or criminal liabilities.

    Legal basis

    Article 17 of the Regulations on the Punishment of Civil Servants in Administrative Organs: If a civil servant of an administrative organ who violates laws and disciplines has been sentenced to criminal punishment, removed, removed from his post or resigned from his leadership position according to law before the administrative organ makes a decision on punishment, and should be given punishment according to law, the administrative organ shall give punishment according to the fact that he violates laws and disciplines. If a civil servant of an administrative organ is sentenced to criminal punishment according to law, he shall be dismissed.


    2024-06-18 07:00:00

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