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I have paid the social security for 15 years. Where can I get the money?

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I have paid the social security for 15 years. Where can I get the money?


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  • 2024-06-13 05:00:48

    I have paid the social security for 15 years. Where can I get the money?
    You can go to the local social security center to get it, and you can get it with your social security card. Individuals who have participated in the basic pension insurance can receive the basic pension on a monthly basis if they have paid 15 years of contributions accumulatively when they reach the statutory retirement age. In other words, the employees who participate in pension insurance must meet two conditions to receive pension: one is to reach the statutory retirement age; Second, the accumulated pension insurance premiums have been paid for 15 years. According to relevant regulations, the legal retirement age of enterprise employees in China is: 60 years old for men, 50 years old for women workers and 55 years old for women cadres. Those who are engaged in underground, high altitude, high temperature, especially heavy physical work or other work harmful to health (hereinafter referred to as special work) shall retire at the age of 55 for men and 45 for women. If a person is disabled due to illness or non work reasons and has been certified by the hospital and confirmed by the labor appraisal committee to be totally incapacitated, the retirement age shall be 55 years for men and 45 years for women. This is the relevant law about your problem.

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