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A Hello, what are the conditions for sending out a child

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A Hello, what are the conditions for sending out a child


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  • 2024-06-20 13:00:47

    Hello, there are certain conditions for placing out children:
    1. Those who have special difficulties and are unable to raise their children.
    They don't just give birth to several more daughters and want to give their daughters away to have another son; It is also not the case of accidental pregnancy during the period of unmarried, unable to raise by oneself and unwilling to drag down their parents so as to "transfer" their children to others for adoption.
    2. Children sent out for adoption must be under the age of 14.
    Therefore, if you want to give your children to others for upbringing, you need to first issue a certificate to prove that you are unable to raise children.
    If it is helpful, please accept it.


    2024-06-20 13:00:47

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