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What procedures need to be handled before leaving hospital for reimbursement of agricultural insurance?

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What procedures need to be handled before leaving hospital for reimbursement of agricultural insurance?


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  • 2024-06-12 12:00:48

    What procedures need to be handled before leaving hospital for reimbursement of agricultural insurance?
    Patient ID card, medical insurance certificate and hospitalization record. The material requirements are as follows: 1. Inpatient invoice; 2. Disease certificate or diagnosis certificate, if it is a delivery, the birth medical certificate and a copy shall be provided; 3. Discharge summary (or discharge record); 4. General list of hospitalization expenses; 5. One original and one copy of the patient's ID card, household register and medical certificate. Notes: 1. All materials provided by the above hospitals must be stamped with the official seal or special seal of the hospital; 2. If there is commercial insurance, commercial compensation must be handled before compensation to the Center; 3. Non profit public hospitals shall be selected for medical treatment (going abroad); 4. The Center shall verify the patient's condition before accepting and receiving materials. If the patient is a surgical patient, he/she can provide clear image data or go to the center for verification in this year; If you are a medical patient, you must go to the center to verify your condition in time after discharge, or leave clear image data to verify your condition when the doctor makes rounds or hangs bottles during hospitalization; 5. As the overall plan of the fund is annual settlement, the compensation materials must be submitted for acceptance within the current year. For patients discharged in December, the materials should be submitted in January of the next year at the latest. Is there anything you don't understand if you don't accept them after the deadline?

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