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How much is the individual income tax of 50000 yuan per month?

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How much is the individual income tax of 50000 yuan per month?


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  • 2024-06-13 01:00:48

    How much is the individual income tax of 50000 yuan per month?
    If there is no special deduction and special additional deduction, the individual income tax of RMB 13500 shall be paid every month for RMB 50000. Calculation method: taxable income=monthly income - 5000 yuan (threshold) - special deduction (three insurances and one fund, etc.) - special additional deduction - other deductions determined by law. 50000/month or 600000/year, the applicable tax rate is 30%, (50000-5000-0-0) × 30%=13500 yuan. Is there anything you don't understand?

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