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The two parties have lived together for 13 years without marriage certificate. Is there any legal effect when the two parties sign a separation agreement

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The two parties have lived together for 13 years without marriage certificate. Is there any legal effect when the two parties sign a separation agreement


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  • 2024-06-21 01:01:33

    1. The relationship between you should belong to cohabitation, so the cohabitation agreement signed between you is effective and not prohibited by law.
    2. Your cohabitation agreement has legal effect on child rearing and property division during cohabitation, and is a valid agreement.
    3. As for the other party's compensation in the name of the IOU, this should be analyzed specifically. If it is only in the form of the IOU, then you can sue with the IOU, which may be supported in law. But if your IOU is found to be the so-called compensation for mental loss, the law will not support it.
    4. My personal suggestion is that if you want the other party to give you a sum of money as compensation, it is better to write down the financial help money that the other party gives you. In this way, the law generally does not interfere and the court will support it.


    2024-06-21 01:01:33

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