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It has been 20 days since the traffic accident happened, and no responsibility certificate has been issued. What should we do!

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It has been 20 days since the traffic accident happened, and no responsibility certificate has been issued. What should we do!


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  • 2024-06-28 06:01:42

    [Legal Opinion]
    You can first consult with the relevant leaders of the traffic management department of the public security organ. If the consultation fails, you can file a lawsuit to the people's court. Release the vehicle within 10 days and open the responsibility statement.
    [Legal Basis]
    Article 47 of the Identification of Traffic Accident Liability stipulates that the traffic management department of the public security organ shall prepare a road traffic accident identification letter within ten days from the date of on-site investigation. In the case of hit and run, a road traffic accident identification letter shall be made within ten days after the vehicle and driver involved in the accident are found. If it is necessary to conduct inspection and appraisal, a road traffic accident identification letter shall be made within five days after the conclusion of inspection and appraisal is determined. According to the provisions of Article 67 of the Administrative Procedure Law, citizens, legal persons or other organizations have the right to claim compensation if their legitimate rights and interests are infringed upon by specific administrative acts of administrative organs or their staff members. If a citizen, legal person or other organization makes a separate claim for damages, it shall first be settled by an administrative organ. If they are not satisfied with the handling of the administrative organ, they may bring a lawsuit to the people's court.


    2024-06-28 06:01:42

  • civil Relevant knowledge

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