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The child is one year old, because his personality is really inappropriate. How can I sue for divorce? I want children

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The child is one year old, because his personality is really inappropriate. How can I sue for divorce? I want children


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  • 2024-06-21 03:00:04

    Go directly to the filing court of the court to submit your petition. The court will consider your request in the petition, especially for minor children, and generally consider awarding it to the mother Children under the age of two usually live with their mothers. If the parent party has one of the following circumstances, it can live with the parent party:
    (1) Having infectious diseases or other serious diseases that cannot be cured for a long time, and children are not suitable to live with them;
    (2) Having conditions for upbringing but not fulfilling the obligation of upbringing, and the father requires the child to live with him;
    (3) For other reasons, children really cannot live with their mother.

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