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Is the written labor contract valid

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Is the written labor contract valid


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  • 2024-06-15 09:01:03

    A written labor contract is valid as long as it is not invalid.
    The invalidity situations stipulated in Article 26 of the Labor Contract Law include:

    (1) Causing the other party to conclude or change the labor contract against its true intention by means of fraud, coercion or taking advantage of the other party's difficulties;

    (2) The employer exempts itself from its legal responsibilities and excludes the rights of workers;

    (3) Violating the mandatory provisions of laws and administrative regulations.

    If there is a dispute over the invalidity or partial invalidity of a labor contract, it shall be confirmed by the labor dispute arbitration institution or the people's court.

    Legal basis

    Article 26 [Invalidation of Labor Contracts] of the Labor Contract Law of the People's Republic of China (2012 Revision): The following labor contracts are invalid or partially invalid:
    (1) Causing the other party to conclude or change the labor contract against its true intention by means of fraud, coercion or taking advantage of the other party's difficulties;
    (2) The employer exempts itself from its legal responsibilities and excludes the rights of workers;
    (3) Violating the mandatory provisions of laws and administrative regulations.
    If there is a dispute over the invalidity or partial invalidity of a labor contract, it shall be confirmed by the labor dispute arbitration institution or the people's court.

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