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How to determine who will support the illegitimate children

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How to determine who will support the illegitimate children


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  • 2024-06-26 01:00:01

    Although the birth of children born out of wedlock is often the result of their parents' irresponsibility, there is nothing wrong with the children themselves. Therefore, children born out of wedlock enjoy the same rights as children born in wedlock, and their parents still have the obligation to support them. If the party the child follows (the natural father or mother) later marries another person, if the other person is willing to bear the child's upbringing expenses, the other party's upbringing obligations can be reduced as appropriate, but it must not fail to do so, and it should still bear the child's living and education expenses until the child can live independently. How to register an extra baby
    1. The extra family needs to go through the formalities in the family planning department of the street where they live and pay the social care fees for the extra family;
    2. The cost will vary according to different extra births, and the specific amount will be determined by the district/county family planning committees according to the local economic situation;
    3. For households with special difficulties that cannot be paid in a lump sum, they can pay half of the social care fees for extra births first, and make a subsequent payment plan by stages and batches. With the certificate and procedures provided by the Family Planning Commission, the extended family can go through the settlement procedures at the local police station.

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