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What are the powers of attorney in criminal cases

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What are the powers of attorney in criminal cases


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  • 2024-06-15 08:00:47

    In such cases, lawyers have the following powers of attorney: 1. Lawyers can accept the entrustment of the legal representatives of victims of public prosecution cases, close relatives of victims who have died, persons with no or limited capacity to act as their agents ad litem. 2. After accepting the entrustment, the lawyer shall provide legal advice and other legal assistance to the client. 3. The lawyer should ask the people's court whether the case is heard in public before the court session. If the case involves the privacy of the victim, the lawyer can ask the people's court not to hear it in public. 4. The lawyer shall inform the victim that he has the right to apply for withdrawal from the members of the collegial panel, the clerk, the public prosecutor and the expert witness, and assist the victim to exercise this right. 5. In the process of court hearing, the attorney guides and represents the client to exercise the litigation rights according to law. 6. During the court trial, the attorney and the public prosecutor cooperate with each other, exercise the prosecution function according to law, and debate with the defendant and his defenders. If the opinions on agency are inconsistent with those on public prosecution, the opinions on agency shall be independently expressed in order to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the victims. 7. If the victim and his legal representative refuse to accept the judgment of first instance, the attorney may assist or represent the client and request the People's Procuratorate to protest within five days after receiving the written judgment.

    Legal basis:

    Article 3 of the Provisions on Legal Aid in Criminal Procedure

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