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Must overtime pay be included in the contract

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Must overtime pay be included in the contract


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  • 2024-06-02 06:00:03

    Overtime pay is not a necessary clause in the labor contract, and can be written or not. If workers are arranged to work overtime, overtime pay shall be paid according to the following standards:

    (1) If workers are arranged to work longer hours, they shall be paid no less than 150 percent of their wages;

    (2) If a worker is arranged to work on a rest day but cannot take compensatory leave, he shall be paid not less than 200 percent of his salary;

    (3) If workers are arranged to work on statutory holidays, they shall be paid no less than 300% of their wages.

    [Legal Basis]

    In Article 44 of the Labor Law, in any of the following circumstances, the employing unit shall pay higher wages than workers' wages during normal working hours according to the following standards:

    (1) If workers are arranged to work longer hours, they shall be paid no less than 150% of their wages;

    (2) If a worker is arranged to work on a rest day but cannot take compensatory leave, he shall be paid not less than 200 percent of his salary;

    (3) If workers are arranged to work on statutory holidays, they shall be paid no less than 300% of their wages.


    2024-06-02 06:00:03

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