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Compensation standard for death of construction site workers (maximum compensation for death of construction site workers)

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Compensation standard for death of construction site workers (maximum compensation for death of construction site workers)


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  • 2024-06-10 09:00:48

    When a person dies at a construction site, he or she can get a one-time death allowance, a pension for close relatives, a funeral allowance, and a one-time death allowance, which should be calculated based on the per capita disposable income of the local staff in the previous year. Twenty times of the income should be given. The funeral allowance is the six month salary of the local staff.

    List of contents of this article:

    1. What is the standard of compensation for death of construction site personnel? 2. How to deal with the recurrence of old industrial injury caused by new industrial injury? 3. Standards for determination of work-related injury An employee who has one of the following circumstances shall be recognized as work-related injury:

    What is the standard of compensation for death of construction site personnel?

    1. The funeral subsidy is the average monthly salary of the staff and workers in the planned area of the previous year for 6 months;

    2. The standard of one-time work death subsidy is 20 times of the per capita disposable income of urban residents nationwide in the previous year;

    3. The pension for the supporting relatives shall be paid to the relatives who provided the main source of livelihood and were unable to work before the death of the employee due to work according to a certain proportion of the employee's salary. The standard is: 40% per month for spouses, 30% per month for other relatives, and 10% per month for the elderly or orphans. The sum of the verified pensions of the supporting relatives shall not be higher than the wages of the workers who died at work. The specific scope of the supporting relatives shall be stipulated by the social insurance administrative department.

    How to deal with the recurrence of old industrial injury caused by new industrial injury?

    The recurrence of old industrial injury caused by new industrial injury needs to be recognized again, and then enjoy the treatment of industrial injury. The Regulations on Work related Injury Insurance stipulates that the injured workers who have suffered a recurrence of work related injury and are confirmed to need treatment shall enjoy the treatment for work related injury as stipulated in Articles 29, 30 and 31 of these Regulations.

    Article 29 Employees who suffer from accidents or occupational diseases due to work shall enjoy medical treatment for work-related injuries.

    When treating work-related injuries, employees shall seek medical treatment in the medical institution that has signed the service agreement. In case of emergency, they can first go to the nearest medical institution for first aid.

    If the expenses needed for the treatment of work-related injury meet the diagnostic and treatment items catalogue of work-related injury insurance, the pharmaceutical catalogue of work-related injury insurance, and the hospitalization service standards of work-related injury insurance, they shall be paid from the work-related injury insurance fund. The catalogue of diagnosis and treatment items of industrial injury insurance, the catalogue of drugs for industrial injury insurance, and the hospitalization service standards for industrial injury insurance shall be formulated by the labor and social security administrative department of the State Council in conjunction with the health administrative department, the drug supervision and administration department and other departments of the State Council.

    If an employee is hospitalized for treatment of work-related injury, his/her unit shall pay 70% of the food allowance standard for business trips to the hospital; With the certificate issued by the medical institution and the consent of the handling institution, if the injured employees go to the medical service outside the planned area, the transportation, board and lodging expenses required shall be reimbursed by the unit according to the standard for business trip of the employees of the unit.

    Workers with work-related injuries who treat diseases not caused by work-related injuries will not enjoy medical treatment for work-related injuries and will be treated according to the basic medical insurance measures.

    The cost of rehabilitation treatment for injured workers to the medical institution that signed the service agreement, if it meets the provisions of the third paragraph of this article, shall be paid from the industrial injury insurance fund.

    Standards for determination of work-related injury An employee who has one of the following circumstances shall be recognized as work-related injury:

    1. Accident injuries caused by work during working hours and in the workplace;

    2. Injuries caused by accidents while engaged in preparatory or finishing work related to work in the workplace before and after working hours;

    3. Accidental injuries such as violence during working hours and in the workplace due to the performance of work duties;

    4. Those suffering from occupational diseases;

    5. Injured due to work or missing due to accidents during the period of going out for work;

    6. Injured by a traffic accident or urban rail transit, passenger ferry or train accident for which he is not primarily responsible on the way to and from work;

    7. Other circumstances that should be recognized as work-related injuries according to laws and administrative regulations.

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    2024-06-10 09:00:48

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