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On the? I would like to ask how to go through the procedures and what documents are needed when unilaterally going to the court to sue for divorce

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On the? I would like to ask how to go through the procedures and what documents are needed when unilaterally going to the court to sue for divorce


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  • 2024-06-20 16:01:43

    Generally, divorce is divided into three stages: prosecution, trial and judgment.
    In order to sue for divorce, it is first necessary to submit the divorce petition of the application for dissolution of marriage to the competent court. After the court accepts the case, it can enter the divorce proceedings.
    According to the provisions of the National Procedural Law, the trial is divided into the preparatory stage, the mediation stage and the hearing stage.
    After receiving the petition for divorce application, the court will review it. If it meets the conditions, it will file the case within seven working days and send a copy of the petition to the defendant within five days. The defendant must submit the defense within fifteen days after receiving the petition. The court judge will review the submitted materials and notify the plaintiff and the defendant of the time to participate in the lawsuit.
    After accepting the divorce case, the court will first mediate the two parties to promote the two parties to reach a reconciliation and mediation. After the divorce case ends, the court will make a mediation statement and distribute it to the parties.
    If the mediation fails to reach an agreement, the hearing will be held. The court will notify both parties of the time of the hearing three days before the hearing. During the hearing, the court released the information and then asked both parties to defend.
    The court will serve a written judgment on both parties within ten working days according to the trial situation. If you are not satisfied with the judgment, you can apply for an appeal to enter the second instance proceedings.
    Article 32 of the Marriage Law
    If one of the men and women requests divorce, the relevant departments can mediate or directly file a divorce lawsuit with the people's court.
    Chapter XII Ordinary Procedure of First Instance of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China

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