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How to withdraw provident fund after applying for resignation procedures today?

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How to withdraw provident fund after applying for resignation procedures today?


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  • 2024-06-12 12:00:49

    How to withdraw provident fund after applying for resignation procedures today?
    The laborer and the employer establish labor relations, the laborer and the employer terminate the labor contract according to law, and the laborer goes through the resignation procedures. The employer shall issue the certificate of termination of the labor contract to the laborer according to law, and handle the transfer procedures of files and social insurance relations for the laborer within 15 days. After the employer goes to the housing provident fund management center where the employer is located to seal the housing provident fund according to law, the worker can go through the withdrawal formalities according to law. The worker can go through the withdrawal formalities at the housing provident fund management center where the employer is located with the certificate of termination of labor contract or other withdrawal materials, ID card, withdrawal bank account number. Article 24 of the Regulations on the Administration of Housing Provident Fund, if an employee has one of the following circumstances, he/she can withdraw the balance of the account of housing provident fund: (1) purchase, build, rebuild or overhaul his/her own housing; (2) Retired or retired; (3) Completely lose the ability to work and terminate the labor relationship with the unit; (4) Going abroad to settle down; (5) Repayment of principal and interest of house purchase loan; (6) The rent exceeds the specified proportion of the family's wage income. In accordance with the provisions of (2), (3) and (4) of the preceding paragraph, if the employee housing fund is withdrawn, the employee housing fund account shall be canceled at the same time. If an employee dies or is declared dead, the heir or legatee of the employee may withdraw the balance of the employee's housing fund account; If there is no heir or legatee, the balance of the employee's housing provident fund account shall be included in the value-added income of the housing provident fund. Article 25 Where an employee withdraws the deposit balance in the housing fund account, his/her unit shall verify it and issue a withdrawal certificate. Employees shall apply to the Housing Provident Fund Management Center for withdrawal of housing provident fund with the withdrawal certificate. The Housing Provident Fund Management Center shall, within 3 days from the date of accepting the application, make a decision on whether to allow or not to withdraw, and notify the applicant; If the withdrawal is approved, the entrusted bank shall handle the payment procedures. Is this easy to understand?


    2024-06-12 12:00:49

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