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How to move out of the divorce household

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How to move out of the divorce household


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  • 2024-06-25 22:00:01

    1、 How to deal with the procedures for the migration of divorce household registration How to move out after divorce
    1. After divorce, the household registration of both parties will be separated, that is, each person will have a household registration book.
    2. Take the household register with you and go to the household registration office of the local police station. The staff will fill out a household registration transfer card for you, and then cancel the household registration of the party to be transferred from the local household registration file.
    3. Take the residence transfer certificate to the residence registration office of the local police station where you are going to settle down. For example, if you provide the certificate of your work unit, you can move your residence back to your work unit.
    2、 How to handle the procedures of household registration transfer after divorce
    1. Issue the removal certificate at the current household registration authority. Paragraph 1 of Article 10 of the Household Registration Regulations stipulates that if a citizen moves out of the jurisdiction area of his/her household registration, he/she or the head of the household shall report to the household registration authority for registration of moving out before moving out, obtain the removal certificate and cancel his/her household registration.
    2. Go through immigration procedures. Paragraph 1 of Article 13 of the Household Registration Regulations stipulates that when a citizen moves, within 3 days in the city and 10 days in the countryside from the time he arrives at the place where he or she moves, he or she shall report to the household registration authority for registration of moving in and hand in the migration certificate for cancellation.
    3. Different provinces and autonomous regions have also made more specific regulations on the household registration transfer procedures. If you do not understand how to handle the household registration transfer procedures, you can also consult the local public security household registration authority.
    3、 How to handle the procedures for the migration of divorce household registration
    1. If it is necessary to divide households due to changes in marriage, family members and housing structure, the list of members of the new family and the housing property certificate or unit housing distribution certificate issued by the housing management department shall be presented.
    2. In case of marriage or divorce, go to the household registration office of the police station to go through the household registration procedures with the Marriage Certificate or divorce certificate (the minor children and their parents live separately, borrow, rent, build temporary houses, etc. in the unit house, and cannot be divided into different households) after the approval of the police station's field police.
    4、 How to handle the procedures for the transfer of divorce household registration? How to handle the child's household registration after divorce
    1. After divorce, the child's household registration will follow who has the custody of the child.
    2. If the child is less than 18 years old, parents are required to handle the migration of household registration on behalf of the child.
    3. If the child is over 18 years old, he/she can handle the transfer of household registration by himself/herself.
    4. If you are over 18 years old, you can apply for a separate account with your own ID card and local police station.


    2024-06-25 22:00:01

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