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How to write the divorce petition?

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How to write the divorce petition?


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  • 2024-06-20 13:00:47

    Hello, the indictment generally consists of three parts. First, it lists the identity information and contact information of the original and defendant. Second, it lists your claim. Third, it lists the facts and reasons of the case. There are many templates on the Internet that you can refer to. From a practical point of view, it is recommended that your complaint should be as simple as possible. As long as there is basic information and facts, it can be allowed to be filed by the court. On the one hand, you lack the experience in drafting the petition, and it is not recommended to write too fully. On the other hand, the petition will be delivered to the defendant. If you write too detailed, the defendant will be prepared in advance for your reasons, which is unfavorable for the lawsuit. When the court really starts, you can clearly express the facts in the court.

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