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Can the online loan be sued after more than three years (will the court accept the online loan after four years)

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Can the online loan be sued after more than three years (will the court accept the online loan after four years)


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  • 2024-06-10 09:00:04

    If the online loan is overdue for four years, it will still sue, which belongs to the legitimate rights and interests of the parties. Therefore, it is entirely possible to file a lawsuit to the people's court for repayment in accordance with the Civil Code, the Civil Procedure Law and other relevant laws and regulations. For online lenders, they should actively solve the problem through negotiation or responding to litigation.

    Will the online loan be sued after four years?

    The online loan will be sued four years after it is overdue.

    According to the Civil Code and relevant laws and regulations

    If the contract stipulates the overdue payment, it shall bear the liability for breach of contract in accordance with the contract. If the contract clearly stipulates the liquidated damages for late payment or the specific method of compensation for losses, it shall bear the liability for breach of contract as agreed in the contract; If the agreed liquidated damages are excessively higher than the losses caused, the judicial organ may reduce them according to law upon the request of the defaulter. If the parties to the contract have not clearly agreed on the liability for breach of contract for overdue payment, the defaulter shall still bear legal fruits according to law.

    How to deal with too much online loan arrears and inability to repay?

    If the customer is unable to repay the online loan, he can communicate with the platform in a timely manner to see if he can apply for deferred repayment, or reduce some default interest, so as to strive for more favorable conditions for his repayment. Of course, customers should also actively raise funds to repay the loan. They can borrow money from relatives and friends to repay the loan first, so as to avoid further expansion of the impact of overdue.

    If the online loan owed by the customer is overdue, it will bear the corresponding overdue liability:

    1. Credit investigation will be hurt.

    2. Affects children to enter school.

    3. There will be default interest.

    4. The amount of the loan will be reduced.

    5. Loans may be frozen.

    6. Affects other loan applications.

    7. The damage of credit reporting results in occupational impact.

    8. Will be blacklisted.

    9. Unable to enjoy preferential loan policies.

    10. Malicious overdue may be prosecuted.

    Therefore, after a customer applies for a loan, he or she must maintain a good credit record and not be overdue. On the premise that his or her personal income can cover the loan expenses, he or she should apply for a loan reasonably and not bring too much debt pressure to his or her future life.

    How to handle credit when there are many online loans but never overdue

    If there is any unclear or new situation, we suggest you directly ask questions online to understand the situation of the communication case. The idle lawyers of the intelligent matching platform will give you detailed and targeted answers, and try to explain the general situation to avoid incorrect answers due to incomplete information and poor communication. I wish success in safeguarding human rights.


    2024-06-10 09:00:04

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