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Hello, I got my marriage certificate in XX, and my registered permanent residence is also in XX. Can I get a divorce in another place

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Hello, I got my marriage certificate in XX, and my registered permanent residence is also in XX. Can I get a divorce in another place


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  • 2024-06-20 15:00:58

    As long as both parties agree to divorce and can reach consensus on property division and child custody, they can take the divorce agreement, marriage certificate and identity certificate to the local civil affairs bureau of one party for divorce procedures. If one party does not agree to divorce or the negotiation on property issues and child custody issues is not good, it can only divorce through litigation. Whether the litigation divorce can be separated at one time depends on whether one party has legal divorce situations, such as domestic violence, abandonment, abuse, drug abuse, gambling, bigamy, imprisonment, emotional discord and separation for more than two years, physical defects or diseases that are difficult to cure, Under these circumstances, the court will generally find that the relationship between husband and wife has broken down, and then give a divorce judgment. In the absence of the above circumstances, the court will not rule out divorce for the first time, so it is necessary to file a lawsuit for divorce for the second time, which is six months after the first judgment comes into effect.

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