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What are the legal and regulatory bases for rural land ownership confirmation

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What are the legal and regulatory bases for rural land ownership confirmation


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  • 2024-06-15 08:00:47

    The main legal and regulatory basis for carrying out the work of rural land ownership confirmation is the Law of the People's Republic of China on Rural Land Contracting, the Land Management Law, the Interim Regulations on Real Estate Registration, the Administrative Measures for the Certificate of Rural Land Contracting and Management, and other laws and regulations related to the registration of rural land contracting and management rights. In practical work, it is necessary to determine the boundaries of village, group and other contract awarding entities and land ownership on the basis of legal documents such as data and certificates related to the confirmation and registration of rural collective land ownership by the land and resources department; If the original developer is cancelled or merged after the second round of rural land contracting, the land ownership relationship such as the name and boundary of the developer before and after the cancellation and merger shall be determined based on the relevant policy documents prepared and issued by the people's government at or above the county level. The ownership relationship of land contractors is determined based on legal documents such as the farmer's land contract signed during the second round of rural land contracting, the contract management right certificate issued and the contract management right register established. On the basis of legal documents such as household registration and marriage certificate of farmers, the common human rights ownership of land contractual management right is determined.

    Legal basis:

    Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China

    Article 9 Land in urban areas shall be owned by the State.

    Land in rural and suburban areas belongs to peasant collectives, except for those that are owned by the state as stipulated by law; House sites, private plots of land and private hills are collectively owned by farmers.

    Article 10 State owned land and land collectively owned by farmers may be allocated to units or individuals for use according to law. Units and individuals that use land have the obligation to protect, manage and rationally use land.

    Article 11 Land collectively owned by farmers that is collectively owned by farmers in a village according to law shall be operated and managed by the village collective economic organizations or villagers' committees; If it has been owned by peasant collectives belonging to two or more rural collective economic organizations in the village, it shall be operated and managed by the respective rural collective economic organizations or villagers' groups in the village; Those already collectively owned by farmers of townships (towns) shall be operated and managed by rural collective economic organizations of townships (towns).


    2024-06-15 08:00:47

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