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Does the video will of the elderly have legal effect

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Does the video will of the elderly have legal effect


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  • 2024-06-26 00:01:42

    A will is valid only if it meets the legal requirements. Therefore, if the video will is to be valid, it needs to meet the following conditions:
    1. It must be made by the testator himself, and he must personally describe the whole content of the will;
    2. More than two witnesses must be present to witness;
    3. At the beginning of the recording, the testator and the witness must respectively state their name, gender, age, native place, occupation, work unit and home address, ID card number, etc;
    4. The testator must state the specific address and year, month, day and hour of making the taped will;
    5. After the sound recording is made, it shall be sealed and kept, and the testator and witness shall sign on the cover, with the date, month and year marked. Then, it shall be kept by the testator or witness;
    6. At the beginning of inheritance, the witness and successor shall be present and inspect the integrity of the cover.
    Only in the above circumstances can the video will take effect. When making a video will, we should strictly comply with the legal provisions, meet the requirements of the law, and avoid invalidation of the will due to the lack of elements.
    Legal basis:
    Article 17 of the Inheritance Law of the People's Republic of China
    [Form of testament] A notarized will shall be handled by the testator through a notary office.
    A self written will shall be written and signed by the testator, and shall be marked with the following year, month and day.
    A will written on behalf of the testator shall be witnessed by two or more witnesses, one of whom shall write on behalf of the testator, noting the next year, month and day, and shall be signed by the proxy, other witnesses and the testator.
    A will made in the form of a sound recording shall be witnessed by two or more witnesses.
    A testator may make an oral will in a critical situation. An oral will shall be witnessed by two or more witnesses. If a testator is able to make a will in writing or by recording after the emergency situation is relieved, his oral will shall be invalid.


    2024-06-26 00:01:42

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