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What is the impact of not receiving files

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What is the impact of not receiving files


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  • 2024-06-16 00:00:01

    1. When paying social security insurance, it is required to have a personal file (of course, some local social security offices do not make mandatory provisions). If not, you cannot participate in the insurance. In addition, even if you can participate in the insurance, when you retire, the pension will be received at the file place, and if not handled properly, retirement will be affected;

    2. All awards and honors cannot be entered into the file;

    3. Professional title evaluation is not allowed.

    According to the law, social insurance agencies shall obtain the data needed for social insurance work through business handling, statistics and surveys, and relevant units and individuals shall provide them in a timely and truthful manner.

    Social insurance agencies shall establish files for employers in a timely manner, keep complete and accurate records of social insurance data such as social insurance participants and payment, and properly keep the original vouchers for registration and declaration and accounting vouchers for payment and settlement.

    The social insurance agency shall timely, completely and accurately record the individual contributions to social insurance and the employer's contributions, as well as the individual rights and interests such as social insurance benefits, and regularly send the individual rights and interests record sheet to the individual free of charge.

    Employers and individuals can inquire and check their payment and social insurance treatment records from social insurance agencies free of charge, and require social insurance agencies to provide social insurance consultation and other related services.

    Legal basis

    Article 74 of the Full Text of the Social Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China, social insurance agencies shall obtain data needed for social insurance work through business handling, statistics and surveys, and relevant units and individuals shall provide them in a timely and truthful manner.
    Social insurance agencies shall establish files for employers in a timely manner, keep complete and accurate records of social insurance data such as social insurance participants and payment, and properly keep the original vouchers for registration and declaration and accounting vouchers for payment and settlement.
    The social insurance agency shall timely, completely and accurately record the individual contributions to social insurance and the employer's contributions, as well as the individual rights and interests such as social insurance benefits, and regularly send the individual rights and interests record sheet to the individual free of charge.
    Employers and individuals can inquire and check their payment and social insurance treatment records from social insurance agencies free of charge, and require social insurance agencies to provide social insurance consultation and other related services.

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