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How long will it take from arrest to sentence

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How long will it take from arrest to sentence


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  • 2024-06-05 18:00:01

    According to the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Law of our country, the time from arrest to sentencing of a criminal suspect is not clearly specified, but depends on the specific case.

    If the procuratorate discovers any illegal situation in the investigation activities of the public security organ, such as extorting confessions by torture or illegally obtaining evidence, during the examination and approval of arrest, it shall notify the public security organ to make corrections. The public security organ must make corrections and need to notify the People's Procuratorate of the corrections.

    After being arrested, if a sentence is to be imposed, it will take at least 4 months and at most 15 and a half months. In the process of examination and approval of arrest, it is necessary to see whether the parties meet the conditions for arrest and whether the investigation activities of the public security organs are illegal. If there are any violations, they should be corrected.

    [Legal Basis]

    In Article 208 of the Criminal Procedure Law, the people's court shall pronounce a judgment on a case of public prosecution within two months after accepting it, and no later than three months. With the approval of the people's court at the next higher level, an extension of three months may be granted to cases that may be sentenced to death or cases that are incidental to civil proceedings, as well as to cases that fall under one of the circumstances prescribed in Article 158 of this Law; If the extension is necessary due to special circumstances, it shall be reported to the Supreme People's Court for approval.

    For a case over which the people's court has changed its jurisdiction, the time limit for hearing the case shall be calculated from the date the people's court receives the case after the change.

    For a case for which the People's Procuratorate conducts supplementary investigation, the People's Court shall recalculate the time limit for trial after the supplementary investigation is completed and the case is transferred to the People's Court.

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